In a lot of cases, foundation issues span from extreme weather conditions to poor drainage. But, these typically take a long time to manifest. The moment your house is new in its construction form and is already showing some signs of having issues in its foundation, then it might be because of construction problems. So, the question is, what certain construction mistakes can be able to manifest early problems in your foundation?

1. Curing Concrete Too Quickly
The moment concrete is not sufficiently kept moist during the entire curing process, then there’s a big possibility that it will eventually dry too quickly. If this will happen, the concrete will become more brittle. Sometimes, you might even notice some cracks before the construction of your home is finished.
Furthermore, a concrete that’s kept too moist during the construction can also be able to manifest problems. If there’s too high ratio of moisture for your location, it might crack during the winter when it freezes.
2. Uneven Slabs
It’s important to note that not all properties are perfectly flat. The moment slab is placed, it has to be leveled or matched to the property’s level. If due diligence isn’t given to the slab leveling, chances are it can lead to unforeseen settling through time.
3. Voids
If care isn’t given when pouring concrete, chances are the concrete can eventually form hollow spots or voids. This can be an incident that’s waiting to happen. Usually, these voids are weak and can causes structural integrity problems as they start to break down.
4. Loose Soil
Soil and sand that sit underneath the foundation has to be compacted down properly right before the foundation is placed. The moment it’s not compacted sufficiently, the loose soil can eventually behave unpredictably when it gets wet for the first time. Bear in mind that it’s a very huge risk for the shifting of your home.
Unluckily, if your house has any of these flaws in construction, there is not much you can do today now that it’s already built other than to have them repaired. Also, if you own a house with these kinds of foundation problems and need to be fixed as soon as possible since it’s already posing threat to you and your property, then it’s highly advised that you consider reaching out to the professional foundation repair service providers such as Foundation Repair Carrollton TX. A dependable foundation repair contractor will surely be there to help you out in times of emergency foundation assistance.
The moment you hire a professional to inspect and repair your foundation, you don’t have to worry too much because you already know it’s something they do every day. They are already experts in this field, which means the issues your facing in your foundation right now will surely be solved in no time. So, for all your foundation repair needs, make sure that you only rely on the qualified foundation repair professionals to make sure that this project will be successful and to promote safety for you and your family’s sake.
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